
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Story 1

Well. Yet another change in season. Which means we’ll have to tranship the peacocks back east and recover the more autumnal-acclimatised penguins. Always busy. None the least in modestly choreographing yet another mountain of great magazine inputs from the fantastic AllStars’ collegiate. 
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Speaking of mountains, very conveniently brings us to a brief note about Ron Nissen. A man who was, at the time of writing, about to take on a climb of Antarctica’s highest landfall, Mt Vincent. As most anyone does shortly after Christmas. There is then a follow up on the great Jeffrey England item in our last issue that made reference to both Pam Garnsey and Bill Leakey. So a picture of the latter two. Together in this instance. And, somewhat thereabouts, a snap of Sean Ferguson with a posy. Or is it a nosegay? All to do with sweet pea gardening apparently. And also from our last publication, we get some names in order, including that of the ever magic Steve Cooper. Just why the editorial brain forgot SC’s moniker remains a mystery. Our apologies mate.


Around about here, the inimitable Graham Lloyd admirably chips in to finally explain the how and why and when and where of that bloomin racing Jaguar that had ICL logos splashed all over it. Thanks buddy. We were getting more than a tad frustrated, having plenty of pics but no facts. And so it is then on to photos from Allen Darby who was working for John Singleton (a la the Ann Nish item in our last issue) when the latter’s then great advertising agency, DD andB, took delivery of its fabulous ICL 2903.